keeping pets mouth clean and healthy

How To Ensure That Your Dog’s Mouth Stays Clean And Healthy?

keeping pets mouth clean and healthy

Does your dog have bad breath and tartar build up on his teeth? If yes, then it’s a sign that your pooch needs a proper dental care or he will end up with dental and gum disease. Here are some of the tips to help and ensure that your dog’s mouth stays clean and healthy.

Dog’s Teeth And Mouth Clean And Healthy

    • The first thing you need to teach your dog that it’s OK for people to handle his mouth and muzzle, so that this will help him to tolerate the future dental care.
    • Practice this with your dog anytime, when he is near by you, move his gums aside and rub the finger over his front teeth and gums.
    • Try to rest your hands on his muzzle, one on top and the other below his jaw, and gently open his mouth, while doing this offer treats to your furry pal.
    • If your pooch is finding it uncomfortable with this handling, make it more appealing. By coating your finger with something special like by dipping your finger in the chicken broth etc. This will make him happy and allow you to move your finger in his mouth.


keep pets mouth & gum clean and healthy

    • Make sure you keep your finger just within licking range, not inside of his mouth. When you are moving the finger on his teeth and gum, as well as rub the outside of his lips.
    • After some sessions, you can brush your pet’s teeth with the help of Pet Dent Finger Brush or Pet Dent Toothbrush. These brushes are specifically designed for the pets.
    • You can apply Pet Dent Toothpaste on the brush, which is a flavored toothpaste, specially designed for the furry pal’s. Make sure, you don’t use human toothpaste on your fur baby, as this can be dangerous if swallowed.
    • You can brush your pet’s teeth on regular basis or twice a week. This will help to decrease the buildup of  tartar, plaque and prevent from dental and gum diseases.

Surely, the above points will help you to keep your dog’s mouth clean and healthy, as well as prevent him from dental and gum diseases.

steps to Make Your Dog Smell Better

4 Ways To Make Your Dog Smell Better

steps to Make Your Dog Smell Better

Are you finding your dog stinky? If he is, it’s really unavoidable. A strong smell from your dog can be caused because of poor health or an encounter with something smelly. If you don’t know the real reason, take your canine to the vet or you can try these natural ways to deal with the bad odors and make your pooch smell better.

Natural Ways To Deal With Dog’s Bad Odors

Chlorophyll for Dogs:

Dog With Chlorophyll

This is a natural substance, which is used by the plants to prepare their own food, this content makes the leaves green in color. The element chlorophyll also works as a natural deodorizer that eliminates most toxins, fungi, bacteria from the body. You can add the liquid form of chlorophyll to your dog’s diet on daily basis such as in water. It reduces odor causing problems and make your dogs skin and breath smell better.

Tooth Brushing of Dog:

teeth cleaning of dogs

Try to give your dog more crunchy or chewy foods and toys, as this will help to scrape off the plaque from his teeth. The build up of plaque on teeth carries bacteria, which results to bad breath in dogs and also makes unpleasant to be around him. Make sure, that you brush his teeth regularly with a soft brush, so that it helps to get rid of the harbor bits of old food and the sticky coat too. Don’t use human toothpaste, use only dog toothpaste.

Baking Soda On Dog’s Coat:

baking soda usages for dogs coat

This content is also known as a natural deodorizer and it works great on canine’s coat, who has a bad odor. At first, you need to comb your pooch’s coat to remove the foreign matter that is causing your pet’s coat to smell. After that sprinkle the baking soda on his coat, ensure that you don’t put it in his eyes. Let the baking soda start working and may take few minutes to work, then at last give him another good brushing to remove it from his coat.

Vinegar solution for Dog:

vinegar for pets

A dog that has a close come in contact with the skunk will smell quite badly, but you can remove this odor from his coat by using vinegar. You need to rub the vinegar on your dog’s fur for at least 10 minutes, adding a good dish washing detergent. This will help to loosen the grip of the oily skunk spray on your pooch’s coat and let the smell go away. Make sure that you rinse him nicely, to remove the detergent from his body.

Hope, these home remedies will work out best for you to remove the smell from your four-legged pal’s coat and make him smell better as well as it will be beneficial to maintain good dog health and fitness for longer duration. You can alternatively find some effective pet hygiene and pet supplies products  online to make sure about your doggy’s dental health and get rid of stink as well.