Top Reasons Why Meditating With Your Cat is Beneficial

From the hectic work schedule to the household chores, your life is aligned with the hush-hush of responsibilities. People crave to find their solace in the chaos of life. Hence, there is a traditionally trusted technique called meditation that helps to detach from the knots of a stereotyped and stressful life. Meditation is a great way to calm the storms within you. The more deeply and regularly you meditate, the sooner you will find yourself acting from a center of inner peace.


Meditation has a great influence on your cat’s well-being as it has on you. Hence, considering the significant influences on you and your pet, it is highly beneficial to have a mutual meditation practice. In addition to feeling more relaxed, meditating with your cat also serves you with many other benefits.

Here are the benefits you and your cat will enjoy during shared meditation practice.

Read More: Complications That Overweight Dogs Have

Ignites Mindfulness

Cats are uncontrollable creatures. They like to do whatever they want to, but when you sit to meditate, you can notice your cat also sitting beside or curling up in your lap. Cats are the masters of focus and one can surely witness that when they meditate. Though cats may get distracted for a moment, they do possess a great ability to regain their focus. Thus, your cat can teach a lesson of mindfulness and bring the lighthearted mood to sessions.

Degrades Stress

Whether there is a stress of meeting your work targets, the stress of fulfilling your family expectations or the stress of coping with everyday life problems, meditating with your cat works as a great stress buster. All you need to do is put away the stress-ball and squeeze on to your furry ball. Having your cat around while meditating, keeps you in a haze of happiness. Your brain generates the happy chemicals called oxytocin and prolactin that reduce stress and adds up feel-good factor.

Intensifies Safety & Trust

When you meditate, you naturally calm yourself down and your energy center opens and realigns. That energy is much more than the physical body as it takes you to gain a level of calmness also in your mind and soul. It creates an environment where you and your pet can communicate or achieve a powerful level of peace. You and your furry companion will feel more grounded by following this meditation practice. Moreover, this practice will invoke a sense of security in your cat and will also strengthen the trust in your relationship.

Uplifts Your Daily Routine

That cute creature in your house can be a cure for many of your health problems. No matter how hectic your routine may be but your cat’s habit to live a structured life will be an ultimate motivation for meditation. Pet parents are likely to be healthier; moreover, meditating with their pet keeps them lively. Following a session of meditation, every morning is a great way to boost your energy levels and kick start your day with an uplifted mood.

Read More: Social Benefits of Summer Dog Walks

Strengthens Communication

Meditation increases the synchronization and efficiency of your nervous and cardiovascular systems. Therefore, when you meditate with your cat in silence, it creates an aura of synergy. Your cat can feel the message of your heart at the vibrational level. Another way to connect with your cat is to place your hand on the chest area and feel their breath. Then, as long as you are comfortable, try to match your breathing pattern to theirs. This will strengthen the bridge of communication between you and your pet.

Helps To Get Outside

Animals are instinctively aligned with the rhythms of nature. They generally do not prefer to stay indoors all day long. No matter what, they will always be ready to go out with you. They might even drag you outdoors in the fresh air to meditate early in the morning if you deny following their daily routine. Escaping from indoors actually changes your mind and makes you more focused. So, having

an animal that always needs a daily dose of outdoor meditation will constantly encourage you to step There may be many interesting ways to spend time with your cat but meditating together is one of the most meaningful things you can do. It is very beneficial to meditate in the green grass and fresh air with your pet but you need to pay heed on the dangers of fleas and ticks that are ever ready to haunt your cat. Thus, to protect your cat from flea and tick infestation, you can use preventatives like Frontline Plus, Advantage for cats, etc. these products are easy to administer and have a great efficacy against parasitic infestations.

Read More: FAQs on Worm Infections in Dogs

Natural Ways of Getting Rid of Fleas

There are a plethora of pet products that get rid of fleas, but due to some reason, a few pet parents are skeptical about using such products. Perhaps the reason could that these products contain chemicals or maybe because these products can emit certain side effects. Whatever may be the reason; we totally understand these pet parents. Thus, there ought to be an alternative for this; which is, getting rid of fleas the natural way. Eliminating fleas naturally is as good as using chemical products minus the side effects and hefty costs.


 Getting Rid of Fleas the Natural Way

Keeping the above in mind and helping you curb your expenses; the following natural ways of getting rid of fleas can be opted.

  • Nothing Like A Good Old Bath – Whether you prefer flea products or natural remedies to treat fleas, giving your pet a bath is a must. Infect, it is a necessity. Bathing your pet at least once a week helps keep his fur in top shape and also washes away fleas that cling onto the fur (that’s if your buddy has fleas, of course). Though baths don’t normally get rid of 100% fleas, they are pretty effective.
  • Brush Fur Using A Flea Comb – Another natural way of brushing fleas away is to use a flea comb. These teethed combs help in the removal of fleas from the pet’s body. Furthermore, flea combs work better after bathing your pal because the wet fur helps in fleas dropping off easily. Moreover, flea combs should be used at least three to four times at once for better results.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse – After bathing your pal, an apple cider vinegar rinse is something pet parents can opt for. Apple Cider Vinegar balances your pet’s pH and that’s something fleas loathe. So, rinsing your pet with Apple Cider Vinegar after its bath can help flea fleas away.

Here’s how you can make the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse:

  • Mix 4 ounces of warm water with 6 ounces of apple cider vinegar.
  • Add ¼ tsp of sea salt and shake the contents thoroughly.
  • Spray the liquid all over your pal’s fur, excluding the eyes.
  • Add ½ tsp (per 25lbs) of this solution to your buddy’s meal every day.

While getting rid of fleas in your pet is important, taking measures to keep your house environment clean is equally important too. Ensure that you vacuum thoroughly and do whatever it takes to keep your home flea-free. This will go a long way in preventing flea re-infestations in your buddy and at the same time, protect you as well.

8 Reasons Why Your Pooch Is Scratching All the Time!

8 Reasons Why Your Pooch Is Scratching All The Time!

8 Reasons Why Your Pooch Is Scratching All The Time!

Have you observed that your furry pal is itching more than usual or are you worried as itching has just become all day activity of your furry friend? Of course, it makes your dear friend so miserable. At some point, all dog owners have faced this issue of a dry, itchy or flaky skin of kittens or doggies.

Just like humans, all hairy pets can also have dandruff and chronically itchy skin. There are many reasons of dry and itchy skin. So, to cure the skin first you need to explore reason of same and then prevention. Of course, we don’t want our Fido to be miserable all the time. So, for keeping away Itching, we must need to take care of below point.

1. Lack Of Grooming

Lack of Grooming - Pet Care Supplies Blog

Lack of grooming is most common cause of dry, dead and itchy skin especially if your furry pal is long haired. Brushing or combing your Fido regularly is considered to be good hygiene practice to follow. Insufficient grooming always ends up building of dead skin under coat and this is mainly seen in double coated or long haired dog breeds.
Most of the time, dogs self-groom their dead skins and hairs by scratching but there could be some parts of the body where they cannot reach. Watch carefully, at which part they have excessive flaking and brush it regularly.

2. Too Few Or Too Many Baths

Dog Bath - Pet Care Supplies Blog


Not washing your pooch regularly is a problem. Most dogs love to bath daily during summer days and we think there is no problem in it. But too many baths are also not good for your canine.

Earlier shampoos were too harsh which used to cause dry and flaky skin. So, it was recommended to pet owners not to wash their pets regularly. However, now a day, shampoos are smoother and gentle. Still, shampooing too much your little pooch creates excessive flaking.

While some breeds of dogs don’t need daily bathing, other with oily skin or long hair need regular bathing. In the more humid climate, your puppy needs to be bathed regularly skin irritation is felt during that time. Never washing your dog build-ups dead skin, while daily bathing leads to dry skin.

According to many professionals, you can apply coconut or other oil. But, choosing a gentle and soft shampoo designed particularly for pets is the best way, it can also be followed by a conditioner to keep away dry and flaky skin. As per the recent nationwide survey, Malaseb shampoo is one of the most recommended shampoo brands by a veterinarian. It is designed to prevent all types of microbial infections occurring in pets and beneficial to clean and degrease the coat. MalAcetic Conditioner belongs to the same manufacturer and contains all-natural ingredients. It is really helpful to repair damaged skin and relieve itching.

3.  Nutritional Deficiency

nutritional deficiency in dog - Pet Care Supplies Blog

Lack of omega 3 essential is the major cause of skin dryness. If you are feeding homemade food, then following a perfect diet chart must. You can include fish in daily food. Your pets need a lot of omega-3 fatty acids in everyday food. You can also use a spot on treatment created to keep your pooch’s skin healthy and nourished.

Essential-6 spot on treatments includes fatty acids of omega-6 and omega-3, 10 essential oils, hemp and Neem oil. That not only improves skin and coat sheen but also very effective to treat itchy skin and to restore hydration level of the skin.

4. Drug Reaction

Drug Reaction in Dog - Pet Care Supplies Blog

Are you feeding your dog any oral medications as of now or are you treating your dog with any spot on treatments? Many breeds are allergenic to many drugs or ingredients of it. So, if you find that you have just change or started new medicines and after that, he has started itching than normal, the best way is to consult the vet. They may suggest changing the medications or have any alternate solution to it.

5. Allergies

food allergy in dogs - Pet Care Supplies Blog

Allergies are mainly caused due to a number of reasons like food allergies, particular drug allergy, seasonal allergy, any chemical allergy. Also, your furry friend could have particular grass or plant allergy or specific smell or spray allergy.

The best way is to observe if at any particular time or after particular task, your pooch is constantly scratching or itching. You can always consult a vet to know from which substance or ingredient, your doggie has allergy and can avoid that while purchasing the product for your pooch.

6. Bite Of Insects

Insect Bites on Dogs - Pet Care Supplies Blog

Vets always advise; regularly comb your pets after a bath! So, insects can be thrown away into water. A bite of parasites or insects troubles your pooch and make him irritated. Parasites like fleas, ticks, and lice love to drain the blood of your little pooch. Using regular flea and tick topical and oral treatment helps to keep away these canny insects.

7. Behavioral Issues Like Anxiety And Stress

Anxiety in Dogs -  Pet Care Supplies Blog


It is also observed that due to behavioral issues like anxiety, fear of a new place or meeting new people, too much stress creates behavioral issues in the dog. Due to that they might Itch or scratch themselves more than usual. There are many products available now a day to control anxiety and stress of your furry pal. DAP Spray and DAP collars help to calm your furry pal and help in adjusting to the new environment.

So, as we have gone through causes of extensive itching and scratching in your dog. It is mainly due to dry skin coats or allergies or reactions. Few things can be taken care in advance but what if your Fido suddenly suffers excessive itching? It is advisable to keep some solution in your first aid box for your Fido. These homeopathic skin and itch relief is the best natural solutions for treating skin itchiness. Skin and Itch reliefs the oral treatment offers instant relief from scratching, licking and biting.


Questions about Fleas & Ticks on your Pets

5 Important Questions & Answers About Fleas And Ticks On Pets

Questions about Fleas & Ticks on your Pets

Most of the pet owners might have heard about these fleas and ticks but they do not know much about these pesky parasites. It is time to educate the pet owners on the way these pests work, where they come from, how they harm the pets and how to prevent and get rid of them. There are several spot-on treatments like Frontline Plus that are reasonably priced, effective and kills adult fleas and ticks along with stopping the lifecycle of the younger parasites. They are not about basic things that are very important to know as a pet owner.

Let us look at some of these questions and answers that will help you know these pesky parasites better:

Questions & Answers About Fleas And Ticks On Pets

Aware of These Questions about Fleas & Ticks on Pets

Where Do Fleas & Ticks Come From?

Pets get fleas from other pets and objects that are infected with fleas including carpet and upholstery. Ticks attach themselves to pets from lawn debris including dead leaves and tall grass.

Is It Possible To Pull Out A Tick From The Pet’s Body Without Visiting The Veterinarian?

Yes, it is possible to pull out a tick out of the pet’s body. You can do this by pulling it straight on the tick’s body with the tweezers and do not allow the head of the tick to lodge itself into the body of your pet. If you are uncomfortable with the process, take the pet to the veterinarian.

Is It Possible To See Fleas Through Naked Eyes?

Fleas are very difficult to see but their effect can be seen on the pet’s body. An infected pet spends a lot of time scratching the same areas, and might develop skin rashes as a result.

Can Fleas & Ticks Endanger Your Pet’s Health?

Ticks carry Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever while fleas carry problems like cat scratch fever and tapeworm.

How Can You Get Rid Of Fleas?

Questions & Answers About Fleas and Ticks on Pets

There are special combs which are available that can be employed to get rid of fleas from the pet’s fur. Once it is done, you will also need to wash any affected cloth in hot water and use flea preventive treatment to kill fleas in your carpet and upholstery.

These questions and answers will give you an idea about how fleas and ticks can harm your pet’s body. Hence, veterinarians recommend Flea And Tick Preventative Treatments to ensure that your pet is not irritated by these pesky parasites.

Cat Health Questions To Ask The Vet

Important Questions To Ask Your Vet About Cat’s Health

Cat Health Questions To Ask The Vet

When you visit the veterinarian with your cat for regular checkup your vet will start to examine your furry pal by asking you some questions to rule out any serious feline diseases. The vet may inquire whether your cat has been showing any changes in appetite, thirst or urination. After he finishes the examination and with his questions, you can take the opportunity to talk to him and ask questions that pertain your kitty’s specific health care.

Top 5 Cat Questions To Ask The Vet:

1. Is My Cat At The Appropriate Weight?

This question is important to ask, as the obesity can lead to many other problems in your cat such as: heart, liver kidney etc. Obesity is a growing concern in pets as well in people. So, it is essential that you keep your cat’s weight in control.

2. How Are My Cat’s Teeth And Gums?

The oral health problems in cats starts from the age of two, it can get worse as furry pal gets older. She can face tooth deterioration, tartar buildup and gum disease, the infection of gums can spread to other areas of the body. It is important to ask this question, so that you can keep your cat away from oral health problems.

3. What Should I Feed My Cat Or Kitten?

There many cat food products that have come up in the market. If your cat needs special formula like weight loss, hairball treatment or any supplement that is needed for senior cats. There are many other food formulas, that contains antioxidants, omega-3 for healthy skin and coat of cat with vitamins and minerals. You can ask the vet to recommend the best dietary needs that suits her and help your pet live a healthy, long and happy life.

4. Is My Cat Getting Enough Exercise?

It is an important question particularly for indoor cats. To keep your cat active and fit with regular program of exercise and environment enrichment. For this you can make your cat chase toys up and down stairs, you can even use a laser or dream catcher to interact with you furry pal.

5. Is There Latest Vaccine To Be Given To My Cat Or Any Follow-up Booster Shots?

Vaccination is the best method to protect your cat from many sort of diseases. Remind your vet about the vaccination, as the last round of cat vaccines should be administered after a kitten is 16 weeks old. And, it is also important to get any follow-up booster shots to your furry companion.

Make a point, whenever you visit the vet for a health check-up of your furry pal, make the most of it and ask the questions or any concerns to him/her about your cat. The vet will help you out and ensure the health and well being of your pet.

Lumps, Bumps and Cancer in Pets- Quick & Brief FAQs


Cancer is the first thing that comes in our mind when we find a lump or a bump on our pet’s body. Isn’t it? Well, we tend to think the worst scenario about those whom we love the most. However most of the lumps are harmless and are there because of different things such as swellings, fluid build-up, parasites, etc. Though, it is essential to get it examined by your vet. To make things a bit easier about bumps, lumps and cancer, we have answers on quick and brief FAQs. Let’s go through!

How to determine whether the lump is cancerous?

There is no way to determine that by yourself. You must visit a veterinarian and get that lump examined. If you are delaying the consultation just because it may cost you then you are making a big mistake. Vets need to check the lump and if they would be suspicious of it being cancerous then they will suggest you to make further tests.

How many types of lumps are there?

Lumps are formed by different things in your pet’s body. Here is a list of types of lumps:

  1. Cancer– Mast cell tumors: Mast cell tumors can be tricky. Some may be benign while the others can be malignant. As any benign lump can change into malignant, it is advised to remove all mast cell tumors.
  2. Fatty lumps or Lipomas: This may be the most common type of lump found in canines, especially in obese dogs. Their growth rate is slow and they rarely spread.
  3. Sebaceous Cysts: These swellings have creamy matter inside and are generally seen in older pets. It usually appears in the middle of the back, has a reddish look and does not pose any severe problem other than soreness.
  4. Mammary lumps: These are tumors found in mammary glands of female dogs. Though most of the lumps are harmless it is advised to take the vet’s opinion.
  5. Histiocytoma: These lumps are often found in younger pets and appear like red buttons. They may not pose intense problems as they may disappear quickly.
  6. Warts: Warts are more common in aged dogs. They look like a small portion of skin is attached to the coat which can be irritating sometimes and requires a removal in some cases.

How many types of cancer are there?

There are two types of tumor that could be found in dogs:

  1. Benign: Benign growth of tumor may grow in size but does not spread elsewhere. It may not pose severe health issues except for difficulty in breathing due to its size. However it is necessary to let its characteristics determined by the vet.
  2. Malignant: Malignant growth of tumors is aggressive and spread through the whole body. This growth is cancerous and affects lungs, liver and other body parts in a negative way.

Should you be concerned about lumps on your pet’s body?

The smallest of lumps should be monitored even when declared harmless by the doctors. Any sudden change in its size or growth requires veterinary attention. So, yes you should be concerned about the smallest of the lumps and bumps on your pet’s body.

How the treatment should proceed for lumps?

In most of the cases vets may advise you to get the lump removed. However if the tumor is malignant then your vet may ask you to get your pet checked. X-rays, ultrasound reports may be advised to check whether the lump has spread to any other part of the body.

To conclude, no external or internal growth that seems abnormal should be ignored. Take your pooch to the vet in such cases. Keep your furry friends ell examined to avoid the lethal disease of cancer. Your awareness may become your pet’s wellness!

Times When Your Old Cat Needs A Vet


St. Francis of Assisi rightly quoted that a cat purring on your lap is more healing than any drug in the world. However, for vibrations of love from your feline that can heal you, he needs to be healthy himself. Don’t you agree?

Cats are generally healthier than dogs and are almost maintenance free. You may not need to pay a visit to your vet frequently for your feline until he gets old. Ageing felines may have issues that are needed to be examined by a vet right away. If your kitty is getting old and showing the following symptoms then it’s time to call your vet:

  • If you see him eating poisonous substances or plants such as lilies or antifreeze solution in current season. Any kind of injury should get examined by the vet when your feline is getting old.
  • Cats are cleanliness freaks and after years of practice there are minimal chances of soiling accidents. So, make sure you consult your vet if your old kitty is soiling your house.
  • Frequent urination or issues in urinating, constipation or diarrhea despite of balanced diet and unexplained or frequent vomiting calls for a vet visit.
  • Cats do not prefer drinking excessive water. If you find your oldie kitty getting excessively thirsty then get him examined as soon as possible. The same goes in case of excessive appetite or a sudden drop in appetite and weight.
  • We all know that cats love to climb and sometimes prefer performing gymnastics. We also know their routine as to how much do they need these physical activities. You may need to contact your vet if you observe your queen overdoing it suddenly or being lethargic.
  • Check for bumps and lumps regularly as they may need immediate veterinary attention. Also, do not ignore dental issues as they are the most common in ageing felines.
  • If you find your kitty panting even while at rest then there is something wrong and you may need instant advice from your vet. The same applies to a rapid heartbeat or unusual behavior in cats.
  • It is true that with increasing age in cats, there is a decrease in their agility. However that does not count staggering or collapsing suddenly. Similarly, contact your vet if your pet is limping, having mobility problems or having stiffness in joints.

To avoid stiffness in joints you may use joint supplements for your kitties. The above mentioned scenarios are recommended to get immediate attention from a vet for your cat’s good health. Try keeping in touch with your vet and ask frequent questions whenever in doubt.


How to determine whether your Pet is Suffering from Arthritis?

According to an independent survey conducted by veterinarians in USA it was found that more than 90% of geriatric cats have arthritis. A total of more than 12 million cats in USA alone have arthritis!! The other surprising statistics is that 1 out of every 5 dogs over the age of 7 years in USA has arthritis. This goes to show that there is an immediate need of attention from pet owners regarding the reasons for the cause of arthritis in pets.

As per Banfield Pet Hospital – State of Pet Health 2012 Report, it was found that 68% of dog owners and 73% of cat owners are unaware of the fact that weight gain and arthritis in pets are interrelated. It has also been confirmed that 1 in 3 arthritic dogs and cats are also overweight.

It has also been confirmed that the occurrence of arthritis in pets has increased by 38% in dogs and 67% in cats over the past five years in USA. This figure is quite startling and goes to show that pet owners are not properly educated on this grievous disease in USA. Let us now look at some of the definitive signs of arthritis in pets:


Your pet finds it little difficult to rise up

When you find that your pet shows lethargy and laziness by moving very slowly at the door to greet you it is time to take him to the veterinarian because it is during this stage that your pet will find it very difficult to rise up. He will also show late reactions to movement and will be very slow in greeting you. This late reaction should not be taken as a fact that they are not happy to see you, but due to the disease they are finding it difficult to remain their usual self.

Cats selecting a low trajectory area rather than higher elevation

A healthy cat would normally sit up high on the refrigerator or on the top of the TV, but if you find your feline friend remaining on the chair seats or on the floor more often this can be due to the fact that they are finding it difficult to climb. This can be due to the reason that they are having mild pain in the lower lumbar spine which results in discouraging your feline friend to remain grounded.

The thing about cats is that they are good at hiding their diseases. Hence, it would be very difficult to catch this behavior in your cats. They won’t limp or cry out, but if you have multiple cats in the house you will find them fighting with each other for lower trajectory places.

The dog does not play with you as usual

If you are a dog owner, you will have a fixed routine of playtime with your doggy. But due to some reasons, if your pooch is avoiding the playtime it is better to consult your veterinarian immediately. If you find that your dog is finding it difficult to chase the ball due to muscle stiffness or joint pain it is a signal that something is definitely wrong with your pooch, which could be dogs arthritis probably. But once you get this disease treated your dog will again become active and play with you in the same way they used to do earlier.

Not getting along with other pets in the household

If your dog used to get along with other pets in the household, but they are not getting along now it may be due to the fact that they are finding it difficult to tolerate the younger pet’s romping about or bumping into their back, hips or neck which might be chronically sore. So if you have an older pet and he hisses or growls at other pets it might be due to the fact that they are trying to self protect themselves. If you find that your older pet is facing issues with other pets it might be a good idea to take them to the veterinarian immediately for an arthritis screening.

When the pet wants to be alone

If your pet has been very active throughout their tenure with you and suddenly they want to remain aloof without any activity, it might be due to the fact that there is some low grade pain that is wearing them done on a daily basis. This is usually true in older pets. If you do not find any of the signs mentioned above on the pet, it is best to take them to the veterinarian and ask them to conduct blood tests of the pet. This way you will be able to find whether

your pet is facing arthritis or not.

If you find any of these signs in your pets with some pain it is best to take the pet to the veterinarian so that they can determine whether your pet is suffering from arthritis or not. There are lots of treatments and options available nowadays to treat pets with arthritis and you can rest assured of the fact that your pet will get a new lease of life once you commence the treatment for arthritis on them.According to an independent survey conducted by veterinarians in USA it was found that more than 90% of geriatric cats have arthritis. A total of more than 12 million cats in USA alone have arthritis!! The other surprising statistics is that 1 out of every 5 dogs over the age of 7 years in USA has arthritis. This goes to show that there is an immediate need of attention from pet owners regarding the reasons for the cause of arthritis in pets.

As per Banfield Pet Hospital – State of Pet Health 2012 Report, it was found that 68% of dog owners and 73% of cat owners are unaware of the fact that weight gain and arthritis in pets are interrelated. It has also been confirmed that 1 in 3 arthritic dogs and cats are also overweight.

It has also been confirmed that the occurrence of arthritis in pets has increased by 38% in dogs and 67% in cats over the past five years in USA. This figure is quite startling and goes to show that pet owners are not properly educated on this grievous disease in USA. Let us now look at some of the definitive signs of arthritis in pets:

Your pet finds it little difficult to rise up

When you find that your pet shows lethargy and laziness by moving very slowly at the door to greet you it is time to take him to the veterinarian because it is during this stage that your pet will find it very difficult to rise up. He will also show late reactions to movement and will be very slow in greeting you. This late reaction should not be taken as a fact that they are not happy to see you, but due to the disease they are finding it difficult to remain their usual self.

Cats selecting a low trajectory area rather than higher elevation

A healthy cat would normally sit up high on the refrigerator or on the top of the TV, but if you find your feline friend remaining on the chair seats or on the floor more often this can be due to the fact that they are finding it difficult to climb. This can be due to the reason that they are having mild pain in the lower lumbar spine which results in discouraging your feline friend to remain grounded.

The thing about cats is that they are good at hiding their diseases. Hence, it would be very difficult to catch this behavior in your cats. They won’t limp or cry out, but if you have multiple cats in the house you will find them fighting with each other for lower trajectory places.

The dog does not play with you as usual

If you are a dog owner, you will have a fixed routine of playtime with your doggy. But due to some reasons, if your pooch is avoiding the playtime it is better to consult your veterinarian immediately. If you find that your dog is finding it difficult to chase the ball due to muscle stiffness or joint pain it is a signal that something is definitely wrong with your pooch. But once you get this disease treated your dog will again become active and play with you in the same way they used to do earlier.

Not getting along with other pets in the household

If your dog used to get along with other pets in the household, but they are not getting along now it may be due to the fact that they are finding it difficult to tolerate the younger pet’s romping about or bumping into their back, hips or neck which might be chronically sore. So if you have an older pet and he hisses or growls at other pets it might be due to the fact that they are trying to self protect themselves. If you find that your older pet is facing issues with other pets it might be a good idea to take them to the veterinarian immediately for an arthritis screening.

When the pet wants to be alone

If your pet has been very active throughout their tenure with you and suddenly they want to remain aloof without any activity, it might be due to the fact that there is some low grade pain that is wearing them done on a daily basis. This is usually true in older pets. If you do not find any of the signs mentioned above on the pet, it is best to take them to the veterinarian and ask them to conduct blood tests of the pet. This way you will be able to find whether your pet is facing arthritis or not.

If you find any of these signs in your pets with some pain it is best to take the pet to the veterinarian so that they can determine whether your pet is suffering from arthritis or not. There are lots of treatments and options available nowadays to treat pets with arthritis and you can rest assured of the fact that your pet will get a new lease of life once you commence the treatment for arthritis on them.

Top Five Summer Tips to Safeguard Your Cat

Mathew loves to drool outdoors always but I am worried as it’s summer time and here in southern Caroline it’s so hot outdoors. Mathew is my cute hairy cat with those quirky eyes that always stare at me with love. When summer sets in, I have to be on the rush to ensure that Mathew is safe when roaming or enjoying outdoors. I ensure to provide the best care during hot months to her.


During winters, it’s little less stressful for me to take care of Mathew but when the sun is blazing hot, I need to put extra efforts to make sure that Mathew is safe outdoors. Actually, cats are well adapted to living outdoors. But, when the temperature rises outdoors they need helping hand to stay cool. For the same reason, I take certain steps that can keep Mathew well hydrated and cool in the hot days. Hope, this will be helpful for you too.

Summer Food

  • I feed my cat indoors. But, if you are feeding your cat outdoors, make sure that you do not leave food out for the long time. Just after 30 minutes, bugs will start fluttering around the food. Taking away that uneaten food after 45 minutes will help you prevent flies and bugs to sit on the food and contaminate it.
  • For slow eaters, you can opt for dry feed. This will attract fewer bugs and insects.
  • I have bought ‘ant-proof’ bowl for Mathew to avoid ants and other insects. This is especially designed for outdoor cats but it also helps me to feed my furry friend. Many companies sell such bowls. You can invest in one and help your kitty enjoy ant-free feed.
  • You can also prepare natural ant barrier with the help of food grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE). Surround cat food with this powder, which acts like barrier and prevents ants from getting onto the food. You can purchase it from any food store or pet supplies online store.

Summer Water

  • During hot days, cats dehydrate very quickly. To balance the loss of water, it is necessary to supply extra water to combat this situation.
  • In addition, you can add a few cubes of ice in the water bowl to keep the water cool for longer time as it becomes warm too quickly. But, be careful that your kitty is not fussy about these cubes.
  • Pet water fountains are available in the market. Get one of them to place outdoors for your cat. This will provide constant stream of water whole day and inspire your cat to drink more.
  • Ensure that you are not keeping the water bowl under direct sun. Keep it under some shade or under a tree, this will save water from evaporating too fast and warming it up.
  • Have a deep and narrow water bowl compared to shallow and wider bowl; this will also keep water from evaporating.

Summer Shelter

  • During hot days, it is essential that you provide proper shelter to your outdoor cats. Mostly felines prefer to stay outdoors and they find places to escape from hot sun. Better, provide them easy access to shaded places, for example a deck where they can rest and eat food.
  • I have built an outdoor cat shelter for Mathew making best out of waste supplies. You can also do the same. Make a quick straw shelter or mould some old cardboard in a form of a house. This can greatly help your furry friend to rest happily even when the sun is on the head.
  • If are not able to DIY cat shelter for your furry cat, you can definitely buy one at pet store or order one on any online pet supplies store.

Summer Treatment

Spring and summer is the time when you can find havoc of fleas and ticks along with other external parasites. With the onset of summer, it becomes crucial for all pet parents to protect pets from these notorious blood-sucking pests. I treat Mathew with flea and tick prevention, but during these months, I do take special care that I do not miss the monthly spot-on frontline plus for cats. This definitely protects your pet from certain flea and tick infested diseases.

Summer Joy

When you are going on a ride and you need to stop somewhere, ensure that you do not leave your kitty inside a closed car. In summers, temperature inside the car rises too high and it’s quite harmful for your pet. It’s better to take your kitty along with you.

I follow these few things during summer to take care of Mathew. You can definitely work out to help your kitty stay cool, hydrated and healthy during these months. Just by following all the above things, you can easily take care of your cat and feel relieved. You will be happy that your cat is safe and enjoying the shades of joy under the sun.