Natural Ways of Getting Rid of Fleas

There are a plethora of pet products that get rid of fleas, but due to some reason, a few pet parents are skeptical about using such products. Perhaps the reason could that these products contain chemicals or maybe because these products can emit certain side effects. Whatever may be the reason; we totally understand these pet parents. Thus, there ought to be an alternative for this; which is, getting rid of fleas the natural way. Eliminating fleas naturally is as good as using chemical products minus the side effects and hefty costs.


 Getting Rid of Fleas the Natural Way

Keeping the above in mind and helping you curb your expenses; the following natural ways of getting rid of fleas can be opted.

  • Nothing Like A Good Old Bath – Whether you prefer flea products or natural remedies to treat fleas, giving your pet a bath is a must. Infect, it is a necessity. Bathing your pet at least once a week helps keep his fur in top shape and also washes away fleas that cling onto the fur (that’s if your buddy has fleas, of course). Though baths don’t normally get rid of 100% fleas, they are pretty effective.
  • Brush Fur Using A Flea Comb – Another natural way of brushing fleas away is to use a flea comb. These teethed combs help in the removal of fleas from the pet’s body. Furthermore, flea combs work better after bathing your pal because the wet fur helps in fleas dropping off easily. Moreover, flea combs should be used at least three to four times at once for better results.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse – After bathing your pal, an apple cider vinegar rinse is something pet parents can opt for. Apple Cider Vinegar balances your pet’s pH and that’s something fleas loathe. So, rinsing your pet with Apple Cider Vinegar after its bath can help flea fleas away.

Here’s how you can make the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse:

  • Mix 4 ounces of warm water with 6 ounces of apple cider vinegar.
  • Add ¼ tsp of sea salt and shake the contents thoroughly.
  • Spray the liquid all over your pal’s fur, excluding the eyes.
  • Add ½ tsp (per 25lbs) of this solution to your buddy’s meal every day.

While getting rid of fleas in your pet is important, taking measures to keep your house environment clean is equally important too. Ensure that you vacuum thoroughly and do whatever it takes to keep your home flea-free. This will go a long way in preventing flea re-infestations in your buddy and at the same time, protect you as well.



Frontline has been a regular household in the US for almost over 2 decades now. Merial, (now Boehringer-Ingelheim ) launched this product line in the 1990s with a vision to make the Pets flea and tick free. The product was received amazingly by the pet parents and very soon the Frontline product was recommended unanimously by most of the vets. Since its launch, the manufacturers have always improved the product line and came out with enhanced products. Currently, there are three frontline products- Frontline spray, Frontline Plus and Frontline top spot (original).  Now as a pet parent it can be confusing as to which flea and tick killer you should buy? So, to help you in making the correct decision, Pet Care Supply has brought a thorough list of the pros and cons of each treatment.

1. Frontline Top Spot Original


  • Frontline Top spot is easy to use the topical solution
  • Started a revolution in the flea and tick control market with this spot on solution
  • The spot-on contains Fipronil that is very effective in eliminating fleas for a complete one month
  • Available for both cats and dogs
  • This monthly treatment comes in a pipette and can be applied on pet’s skin directly
  • Kills adult fleas within 24 hours
  • Also terminates chewing lice
  • Can be applied on pets of 8 weeks of age or older
  • Aids in controlling flea allergy dermatitis
  • Waterproof treatment, just wait for the solution to be absorbed by the skin


  • It is effective on ticks but only for one or two weeks and that’s why it is only recommended for flea

2. Frontline Plus


  • Frontline is the youngest member of the frontline family
  • The treatment contains Fipronil and S-Methoprene
  • The spot on not only kills fleas but also kills flea larvae, pupae, and flea eggs to break the flea life cycle
  • An effective monthly flea treatment, frontline plus is suitable for both cats and dogs
  • Kills 100% fleas within 12-24 hours of administration
  • Also, It protects the pets from flea and tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain fever, and Flea Allergy Dermatitis
  • Terminates ticks within 48 hours of infestation
  • Acts for a complete one month
  • Treats and controls chewing lice
  • Waterproof and safe for pets of 8 weeks of age or more


  • Because it is a topical treatment, you have to make sure that your pet stays away from the children for that day.

3. Frontline Spray


  • Kills chewing lice
  • Protects the pets against severe flea and tick infestations
  • Efficiently controls sarcoptic mange infestations
  • Effectively treats and controls Brown Dog ticks, paralysis ticks, and flea allergy dermatitis
  • Waterproof solution
  • Remains active for 12 weeks in dogs and 8 weeks in cats
  • Eliminates 100% fleas within 24 hours of administration
  • Suitable for both puppies and kittens of 2 days of age


  • The treatment process with frontline spray is not as easier as it is with the other two products

As you can see that if compared all the three treatments have very similar effects apart from some dissimilarity. It was tough to find disadvantages of all the three products and maybe this is the reason they are still ruling the market.

So, if you have to choose one among 3 treatments, then you should first know your requirements-

  • If you want a flea and tick treatment for pets younger than 8 weeks then Frontline spray is the only choice.
  • And if you want flea and tick treatment for pets older than 8 weeks then Frontline Plus will be the best option.
  • For indoor pets that don’t go outside very often, Frontline Top Spot will work
  • For outdoors, Frontline Plus is the best treatment
  • And, finally, if you want a long lasting treatment then you can also go for a frontline spray

Hopefully, the information was helpful to you please take care of one important parameter which is suitability. Choose those treatments that suit your pet’s skin and body.

If My Dog is Bitten By a Tick or Not? How to Figure Out?


You make tremendous efforts to make sure that your pooch is healthy and happy. From regular health checkups to the regular administration of preventives and vaccines you try to accomplish each and every responsibility as a caring pet parent. Needless to say, you fairly succeed in that but even after all your efforts, there are some parasites that can latch themselves on your beloved pal’s body whenever he/she is outside in the garden or holidaying with you in the woods.


Ticks are one such type of parasites (also called as arachnids). There are many types of ticks but the ticks that can trouble your dog are- American Dog Tick (Dermacentor Variabilis),Eastern Blacklegged Tick/Deer Tick (Ixodes Scapularis),Brown Dog Tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus),Gulf Coast Tick, (Amblyomma Maculatum),Lone Star Tick (Amblyomma americanum),Rocky Mountain Wood Tick (Dermacentor andersoni),Western Blacklegged Tick(Ixodes Pacificus), and Soft Ticks(Ornithodoros).

These blood-sucking Ectoparasites (especially hard ticks) wait on the leaves, grass, tall bushes and woods to infest your dog when he/she passes through those areas and gets in contact with those leaves. The whole process of waiting for a host is called Questing. However, soft ticks crawl several feet to infest their host. Once they are on your dog’s skin they insert their jagged mouthparts into your dog’s skin and start feeding on blood and skin tissues. The feeding is so smartly done that your pooch doesn’t even come to know that ticks are sucking up his/her blood.

Surprised?  Or Shocked? You might be thinking that how do they do that? And if that’s the case how am I going to find out that ticks are harming my dog’s health? Well, don’t worry much because you can find out these ticks red-handed, sorry, red-mouthed. How?  Below you will find the answers to all such type of questions arising in your mind.

[Read] Know About Ticks On Your Dog!

How Does A Tick Feed On My Dog And My Dog Doesn’t Even Come To Know?

Ticks are blessed with some very helpful fluids in their body that support them to numb the feeding area, dissolve the small skin tissues to feed and also remain glued to the skin.

Numbing fluid helps ticks to numb the part of the skin, as a result, your dog doesn’t even feel anything neither the pain or irritation when they insert their sharp mouthparts.

The solvent sort of fluid dissolves the skin tissues and converts them into a liquid so that ticks can slurp that soup like liquid.

And, the glue-like fluid keeps them glued to the skin and cause issues in your pooch’s health.

Then Why Does My Dog Has Irritation On Skin?

As described the numbing fluid only numbs the skin for that moment but after the feeding is done the skin will show a reaction to these actions because of which your dog will suffer irritation. Moreover, the skin fluids and tissues are getting damaged because ticks feed on them hence the body reacts to all the damages.

How To Check For Ticks And Tick Bites On Dogs?

Ticks are tiny but still can be seen through naked eyes, the task to track down these creeps gets trickier because they are hidden in the fur of your dog. Hence, they are not visible to naked eyes. The best way to find them is to feel your dog’s body, you can feel the ticks if present on the skin. Also, the part of the skin infected by ticks will be red.

Symptoms Of A Tick Bite On A Dog

Your dog can show symptoms like sudden blood loss, anemia, skin irritations, redness, infections, and vomiting in some cases. However, depending on the type of tick that has bitten your dog, the symptoms can differ. Be very careful because ticks are capable of transmitting some dangerous diseases that can take you and your dog for a ride. Some of the diseases that can be passed by the ticks are

  • American Canine Hepatozoonosis
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Babesiosis
  • Tularemia
  • Haemobartonellosis
  • Tick Paralysis
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Lyme Disease

What Should I Do If I Spot A Tick?

Whenever you spot a tick don’t pluck it with your bare hands because it can leave their mouth part embedded in the skin, resulting in several infections. Always use tweezers to hold the tick’s mouthpart, as a result, it loosens the grip on the skin, making it easy and safe to remove them. You can also apply alcohol on that area so that the mouthparts leave the skin and the removal becomes easy.

Having a knowledge of the DOs and DONTs of Removing Ticks from Your Dog is strongly preferred by the vets

Preventing and Treating Ticks

Preventing and treating ticks is very easy nowadays you just have to administer monthly flea and tick treatments like- Frontline Plus, K9 Advantix, Bayopet kiltix collar, Preventic tick collar and Effipro duo spot-on whichever suits you, your pooch and your pocket. These treatments will help you to keep ticks and even fleas at bay.

Also, make sure that your surroundings, especially your garden and house are flea and tick free so that there are very fewer chances of flea and tick infestation on your dog.

Know The Allergy Triggers in Dogs

Just like humans, dogs can contract allergies from miscellaneous sources. They are equally vulnerable to allergens in the environment as much as we are. We as humans can atleast take precautions and necessary measures to safeguard ourselves. Whereas these poor little munchkins don’t even have any other companions other than us to take care of their health. Because they are completely dependent on us for their well-being, it is our responsibility to understand as to what can be bad for our pet, what can trigger an allergic reaction in them and how we can combat that. Better if we take preventive measures to avoid our furry friend from such misery.


Allergic reactions occur in pets when their immune system is compromised. And it is evident that the pet is suffering from a reaction if he is found itching every now and then. Inflammed skin causes severe itching and to relieve that, dogs constantly bite the affected area which results in bald patches of skin. Increased sneezing, face scrubbing, rashes, nasal discharge and uncontrollable belly or paw licking are some of the other major symptoms of an allergic reaction in a pet.

Allergy causing agents in pets are primarily categorized into four types: Food Allergy, Flea Allergy, Contact Allergy and Air-Borne Allergies.

FOOD ALLERGY: It is the most common kinda allergy in pets. Foods like milk, wheat, fish, meat, soy or corn can prove to be allergic to some of the dogs. When their system shows aversion to such products, it comes out in the form of vomit, diarrhea or excessive gas passing. The only way to test if the food is allergic to your pet, is to conduct a food test. If there is any reaction, it means you need to change the brand of the food product to the one that has lesser amount or no allergic food at all. Do consult the vet to treat your dog and get a diet plan for him.

FLEA ALLERGY: There are new cases of flea allergic reaction in dogs every day. It is the most prominent allergy of all and is caused when the flea bites the pet’s skin and leaves its saliva on it. As a result, the pet suffers from severe itching, uneasiness, vomiting and diarrhea. The most effective way to treat him from this reaction is by administering Frontline Plus. Use flea comb to remove any eggs or flea stuck in the tangled fur. Daily grooming regime must be maintained so as to avoid the flea infestation in the first place.


AIR-BORNE ALLERGY: Allergens in our environment can cause air-borne or atopic dermatitis in pets. Main culprits are wild grass, molds, dust mites and pollens. The best way to avoid this allergy is by keeping the house and the surroundings clean and immaculate. Vacuum regularly and wash the beddings thoroughly. Cleaner the surroundings, lesser would be the chances of your pet to contract this kind of allergy.

CONTACT ALLERGY: It could happen when the pet comes in contact of things like cleansers, shampoos, plants or any random thing that causes irritation and redness of the skin. You can figure it out only through reliving your pet’s regular routine. Just try to keep your Fido as clean as possible and keep him away from those products or things. Consult the vet if he has already contracted the allergy.

Program Flavor Tabs – Dependent and Trustworthy Product

Program Flavor Tabs

Fleas are like birds without feathers! You never know, when it is going to jump on your pooch baby. Stopping your pooch from roaming is like restricting them to enjoy. Pet owners, find it difficult to resist the fact that their pooch is not that sophisticated from inside!! It is said that dog’s natural life is about biting fleas, burying bones and barking on an empty tree whole night.

Biting fleas is one of the common traits in a dog, according to million idioms and thousands of phrases. But, is it bothering you?? If yes!!! Then this is a good sign of parenting. Never let your pooch to turn into an addicted pet of biting fleas. Keep those thirsty fleas at bay! As they are sucking your pet’s blood.

In this modern era, markets are almost flooded with plenty of products. But, just like you, your pooch is also a sensitive living creature. Experimental use of products can be dangerous to your pet. Go for a brand, which better suits on the medical conditions of your pet. In short, Don’t be a copy cat!!
In order to reduce the complex process, here is a firm suggestion of a great product named Program Flavor Tabs. Good fame and broad spectrum of working make it a trust worthy product.

The active ingredient of Lufenuron, which is a benzoyl phenyl-urea derivative. This product works by breaking the flea’s life cycle at an initial stage or at the egg stage. Treatment should begin during the season, which is most favorable to fleas, and it should not stop till the season ends. It will ensure good results with desired effectiveness.
You can simply offer the tablets along with the supper. But, be a little cautious, to ensure the proper intake of the tablet by your pet.

Our Flea & Tick Products












Some of the beneficial aspects of Program Flavor tabs are:

1. It can be used along with Capstar, to eliminate adult fleas and prevents flea eggs from hatching. Great combination, good work!!

2. These tabs are meant for monthly application, so no worries, in case any dose is missed.

3. It’s proven a safe remedy for dogs and puppies of four weeks of age and older, for the prevention and control of flea populations.

To avoid any complications, never ignore the instructions written over the packages. Keep the tabs away from the reach of small children.Buy Pet Care Products


Activyl for dogs - Pet Care Supplies Blog

Get the Benefit! Activyl that will Effectively Cut the Flea Life Cycle

Activyl for dogs - Pet Care Supplies Blog

For many humans, the spring is a glorious season to enjoy the warm weather. But for pets, spring means a slew of health concerns. That’s right, fleas love the warmer atmosphere and this is the time when their breeding becomes rife. Such pesky nuisances not only cause your pets to itch and scratch but also bring many diseases. So, here’s the most important step to take for your pet’s flea protection and switch to the effective flea treatment – Activyl.

It is a very powerful flea treatment that works by a method of bioactivation (metabolic activation). Such spot-on flea treatment spread through pets’ skin when a flea lands on them. Indoxacarb is a key ingredient in Activyl. Unlike other flea treatments, Activyl eliminates adult fleas, prevent flea eggs and larvae to be mature in the environment, break the flea life cycle and even keep your pet fleas free.

Fleas can hastily become a big problem for dogs and even for your entire family. Because all female fleas are able to produce more than 40 to 50 eggs in a single a day, and from them, just a few fleas can infest your entire home. So, in order to control this heavy flea infestation, Activyl can work best.

Moreover, if you have puppies and kittens older than 8 weeks of age, this spot-on can be used.

Quick and Easy to Apply

This treatment comes in an easily opened applicator, just like other flea spot-on products. Simply, hold the applicator and bend the tip to snap. Next part your pet’s fur and squeeze applicator tightly to apply entire content evenly on the back between shoulder blade and tail base in three or four spots for large dogs. Do not contact with the treated area until the content has dried. Reapply Activyl every month. And, never remove the applicator from the pack until it ready to use.

Activyl’s Key Features:

  • Effective treatment to control flea for the entire month
  • Quick-drying, water-resistant and fragrance-free
  • Fast-acting – to kill fleas within just 8 hours
  • Break the flea life cycle
  • Keep pets away from new infestations for 4 weeks

Impressive Ideas To Stop Fleas And Ticks Biting Your Pet

Eventfully, your pet needs your undying devotion. You can repay your pet’s love by giving them protection against harmful fleas through Activyl every month. But before that always consult your veterinarian first and enjoy the benefits of flea treatment and keep away from uncertain concerns.

Buy Activyl for Dogs - Pet Care Supplies Blog

8 Reasons Why Your Pooch Is Scratching All the Time!

8 Reasons Why Your Pooch Is Scratching All The Time!

8 Reasons Why Your Pooch Is Scratching All The Time!

Have you observed that your furry pal is itching more than usual or are you worried as itching has just become all day activity of your furry friend? Of course, it makes your dear friend so miserable. At some point, all dog owners have faced this issue of a dry, itchy or flaky skin of kittens or doggies.

Just like humans, all hairy pets can also have dandruff and chronically itchy skin. There are many reasons of dry and itchy skin. So, to cure the skin first you need to explore reason of same and then prevention. Of course, we don’t want our Fido to be miserable all the time. So, for keeping away Itching, we must need to take care of below point.

1. Lack Of Grooming

Lack of Grooming - Pet Care Supplies Blog

Lack of grooming is most common cause of dry, dead and itchy skin especially if your furry pal is long haired. Brushing or combing your Fido regularly is considered to be good hygiene practice to follow. Insufficient grooming always ends up building of dead skin under coat and this is mainly seen in double coated or long haired dog breeds.
Most of the time, dogs self-groom their dead skins and hairs by scratching but there could be some parts of the body where they cannot reach. Watch carefully, at which part they have excessive flaking and brush it regularly.

2. Too Few Or Too Many Baths

Dog Bath - Pet Care Supplies Blog


Not washing your pooch regularly is a problem. Most dogs love to bath daily during summer days and we think there is no problem in it. But too many baths are also not good for your canine.

Earlier shampoos were too harsh which used to cause dry and flaky skin. So, it was recommended to pet owners not to wash their pets regularly. However, now a day, shampoos are smoother and gentle. Still, shampooing too much your little pooch creates excessive flaking.

While some breeds of dogs don’t need daily bathing, other with oily skin or long hair need regular bathing. In the more humid climate, your puppy needs to be bathed regularly skin irritation is felt during that time. Never washing your dog build-ups dead skin, while daily bathing leads to dry skin.

According to many professionals, you can apply coconut or other oil. But, choosing a gentle and soft shampoo designed particularly for pets is the best way, it can also be followed by a conditioner to keep away dry and flaky skin. As per the recent nationwide survey, Malaseb shampoo is one of the most recommended shampoo brands by a veterinarian. It is designed to prevent all types of microbial infections occurring in pets and beneficial to clean and degrease the coat. MalAcetic Conditioner belongs to the same manufacturer and contains all-natural ingredients. It is really helpful to repair damaged skin and relieve itching.

3.  Nutritional Deficiency

nutritional deficiency in dog - Pet Care Supplies Blog

Lack of omega 3 essential is the major cause of skin dryness. If you are feeding homemade food, then following a perfect diet chart must. You can include fish in daily food. Your pets need a lot of omega-3 fatty acids in everyday food. You can also use a spot on treatment created to keep your pooch’s skin healthy and nourished.

Essential-6 spot on treatments includes fatty acids of omega-6 and omega-3, 10 essential oils, hemp and Neem oil. That not only improves skin and coat sheen but also very effective to treat itchy skin and to restore hydration level of the skin.

4. Drug Reaction

Drug Reaction in Dog - Pet Care Supplies Blog

Are you feeding your dog any oral medications as of now or are you treating your dog with any spot on treatments? Many breeds are allergenic to many drugs or ingredients of it. So, if you find that you have just change or started new medicines and after that, he has started itching than normal, the best way is to consult the vet. They may suggest changing the medications or have any alternate solution to it.

5. Allergies

food allergy in dogs - Pet Care Supplies Blog

Allergies are mainly caused due to a number of reasons like food allergies, particular drug allergy, seasonal allergy, any chemical allergy. Also, your furry friend could have particular grass or plant allergy or specific smell or spray allergy.

The best way is to observe if at any particular time or after particular task, your pooch is constantly scratching or itching. You can always consult a vet to know from which substance or ingredient, your doggie has allergy and can avoid that while purchasing the product for your pooch.

6. Bite Of Insects

Insect Bites on Dogs - Pet Care Supplies Blog

Vets always advise; regularly comb your pets after a bath! So, insects can be thrown away into water. A bite of parasites or insects troubles your pooch and make him irritated. Parasites like fleas, ticks, and lice love to drain the blood of your little pooch. Using regular flea and tick topical and oral treatment helps to keep away these canny insects.

7. Behavioral Issues Like Anxiety And Stress

Anxiety in Dogs -  Pet Care Supplies Blog


It is also observed that due to behavioral issues like anxiety, fear of a new place or meeting new people, too much stress creates behavioral issues in the dog. Due to that they might Itch or scratch themselves more than usual. There are many products available now a day to control anxiety and stress of your furry pal. DAP Spray and DAP collars help to calm your furry pal and help in adjusting to the new environment.

So, as we have gone through causes of extensive itching and scratching in your dog. It is mainly due to dry skin coats or allergies or reactions. Few things can be taken care in advance but what if your Fido suddenly suffers excessive itching? It is advisable to keep some solution in your first aid box for your Fido. These homeopathic skin and itch relief is the best natural solutions for treating skin itchiness. Skin and Itch reliefs the oral treatment offers instant relief from scratching, licking and biting.


Frontline Plus for Dogs and Cats

A Safe Solution For Flea and Tick Control – Frontline Plus For Dogs And Cats

Frontline Plus for Dogs and Cats

Fleas and ticks have been sustaining on this planet since so long. These parasites have been infecting our little pets from the beginning. But, now we have a solution for these blood-sucking icky parasites.

A renowned product designed by Merial, Frontline Plus is a relief for cats and dogs both. A fast-acting formula to fight against these external parasites is a spot-on treatment. Frontline Plus ensures the protection of the pets against flea and tick-borne diseases too. It is a monthly treatment with long-lasting effects which starts its action immediately by eliminating fleas in dogs within 24 hours of application and in cats within 12 hours. After administrating the treatment, ticks are efficiently killed within 48 hours. Killing adult fleas and destroying the entire flea life cycle by eradicating all the life stages including flea eggs and flea larvae.

Cat Vaccinations and Treatments – Uncover the Hidden Facts about Them

The waterproof treatment doesn’t allow re-infestation of fleas and ticks for up to a month and also protects cats and dogs from Flea Allergy Dermatitis. It is very advantageous as the pooch won’t have any trouble bathing or going near water. The waterproof property is also suitable and safe to use on pregnant, nursing and breeding pets. Frontline Plus efficiently removes and eliminates brown ticks, lone star ticks, and American dog ticks and prevents re-infestation of these to avoid any tick-borne ailments.

The composition of Frontline Plus includes two active ingredients – Fipronil and (S)Methoprene. These two work together to kill fleas and ticks. After the application of the treatment, Frontline spreads on the skin of the pet evenly because of its penetration action and lasts for 4 weeks. Fipronil eliminates adult fleas and ticks while (S)Methoprene, disrupts the life cycle of the fleas and attacks on flea eggs and larvae. The combined effect of these two active ingredients provides complete protection to both canines and felines from flea and tick borne diseases like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain fever, Flea Allergy Dermatitis etc.

Frontline Plus is suitable for both pups and kitties of 8 weeks of age and elder to that. Every product comes with some safety rules and so thus this one. A layout of basic safety measures and precautions one should be aware of while using Frontline Plus are:

  • The products for both cats and dogs come in different packs.

  • Read the pack before opening it.

  • Frontline for dogs cannot be used on cats and vice-versa.

  • Store it in cool and dry place.

  • Do not apply on damaged skin.

  • Wash hands after using this product.

  • Avoid contact with eyes and mouth.

  • Keep it away from flames and heat.

  • Do not allow the pets to lick each other until the treatment has dried.

  • Do not smoke, eat or drink while applying the treatment.






While using this broad spectrum treatment, firstly read the label for instructions and precautions. If any doubt, consult a vet immediately. The usage for both cats and dogs are different. So, first talking about cats:

  • Part the fur at the base of the skull and between the shoulders and create a spot to apply the medication.
  • Put the tip of the pipette on the spot and squeeze approximately 0.5ml of solution. Let it dry.

Know About Importance Of Proper Dental Care Of Your Dog And Cat

For dogs, the treatment varies with the weights. So, weigh the dog before the treatment.

  • Make your dog comfortable and part the fur between the shoulder blades.

  • Place the tip of the pipette on the spot without touching the hair.

  • Squeeze and empty the entire content on that spot.

  • For small and medium dogs, apply at a single spot

  • For large dogs, apply at 4-5 spots starting from shoulder blades till the base of the tail.

According to the weight of the dogs, different packs of Frontline Plus has been designed with color codes for easy purchase.

Don’t wait any longer, Frontline Plus is a verified product and a trusted brand that is an effective monthly solution for your beloved pets.

Questions about Fleas & Ticks on your Pets

5 Important Questions & Answers About Fleas And Ticks On Pets

Questions about Fleas & Ticks on your Pets

Most of the pet owners might have heard about these fleas and ticks but they do not know much about these pesky parasites. It is time to educate the pet owners on the way these pests work, where they come from, how they harm the pets and how to prevent and get rid of them. There are several spot-on treatments like Frontline Plus that are reasonably priced, effective and kills adult fleas and ticks along with stopping the lifecycle of the younger parasites. They are not about basic things that are very important to know as a pet owner.

Let us look at some of these questions and answers that will help you know these pesky parasites better:

Questions & Answers About Fleas And Ticks On Pets

Aware of These Questions about Fleas & Ticks on Pets

Where Do Fleas & Ticks Come From?

Pets get fleas from other pets and objects that are infected with fleas including carpet and upholstery. Ticks attach themselves to pets from lawn debris including dead leaves and tall grass.

Is It Possible To Pull Out A Tick From The Pet’s Body Without Visiting The Veterinarian?

Yes, it is possible to pull out a tick out of the pet’s body. You can do this by pulling it straight on the tick’s body with the tweezers and do not allow the head of the tick to lodge itself into the body of your pet. If you are uncomfortable with the process, take the pet to the veterinarian.

Is It Possible To See Fleas Through Naked Eyes?

Fleas are very difficult to see but their effect can be seen on the pet’s body. An infected pet spends a lot of time scratching the same areas, and might develop skin rashes as a result.

Can Fleas & Ticks Endanger Your Pet’s Health?

Ticks carry Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever while fleas carry problems like cat scratch fever and tapeworm.

How Can You Get Rid Of Fleas?

Questions & Answers About Fleas and Ticks on Pets

There are special combs which are available that can be employed to get rid of fleas from the pet’s fur. Once it is done, you will also need to wash any affected cloth in hot water and use flea preventive treatment to kill fleas in your carpet and upholstery.

These questions and answers will give you an idea about how fleas and ticks can harm your pet’s body. Hence, veterinarians recommend Flea And Tick Preventative Treatments to ensure that your pet is not irritated by these pesky parasites.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever- A Tick Borne Disease To Protect Your Pooch From!

A Tick Borne Disease To Protect Your Pooch From!

Ticks pose more dangerous issues than fleas do and this is why it is important to protect our dogs from ticks with much more intensity than we prevent fleas. Tick borne diseases have serious effects on dogs such as anemia, fever, paralysis, etc. Different ticks are responsible for different illnesses in dogs.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is one of the most common and dangerous tick borne diseases that is needed to be prevented from spreading in pets. It is transmitted by Rickettsia rickettsii, an organism that appears like bacteria but acts as a virus. It could be carried by any of the tick types which make it necessary to use a preventive that fights all four types of ticks.

What are the signs you should look for?

Most of the dogs catch fever within 5 days if infected with Rickettsia rickettsii. There are breeds like German shepherd and other pure breeds that are more likely to get this disease. The general symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever are:

  • Depression
  • Lack of energy
  • Anorexia
  • Blood spotted in urine
  • Heartbeat getting irregular
  • Purplish colored spots on the skin, often seems like bruises
  • Limb inflammation
  • Issues in mobility
  • Sudden nose bleeding
  • Problems in blood clotting that could be lethal
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Pain in the eyes
  • Eyes issues such as conjunctivitis or hemorrhage and inflammation in mucosal membranes

What should you expect as treatment for this disease?

We are talking about Rocky Mountain spotted fever because it is a serious disease that has a chance even to take your companion’s life away. Thus on acquiring this, pets may need dedicated and intensive care.

Infected pets may be needed to admit in hospital for the treatment. There could be a great deal of blood loss which may leave your pet with anemia. Thus blood transfusion may be required in severe situations. Apart from that your pet will be on antibiotics and anti inflammation drugs that will help him recover fast.

What could be the safest option to prevent your pet from getting infected with this fever?

Prevention is always better than cure and this condition is no different than others. Using dependable tick treatments may be the only option to keep Rocky Mountain spotted fever at bay. Treat your furry friends with parasite preventives on a regular basis to keep them healthy and fit. Frontline Plus, K9 Advantix or a tick collar are some of the reliable options to go for.

In all, this fever sounds to be dangerous enough to trigger precautionary measures among pet owners, which was the motto. Keep your pets protected using required measures to not let this disease even come anywhere near them.