Dog Ticks – The Biggest Summer Blues for Pet Parents


Ticks are not just the gray bumps you encounter on your pet’s body. They are actually disease causing pests that sap your pet’s blood. Moreover, with the summers on board, these pesky creatures are ready to hop on your pet and spend a life on his body. These tiny monsters cannot only make your pet dull, but can cause life-threatening diseases. Dog tick removal is thus the biggest summer blue for any pet parent.

Ticks are at their active best in summer months. They frequently show up during the months from April to October. Cold temperatures are good for their hibernation and make them less active. Still, it is advisable that pet parents must stay alert throughout the year. You must fix up dog tick problems at the very first sight. You can go for spot-on treatments, dog tick collars, tick shampoos or oral treatments. Use whatever suits your pet and your family.

Steps to follow for absolute dog tick removal:

Veterinarian visit: Before starting the treatment, go for a vet visit. Find out which treatment is ideal for your pet. Also, get hands-on knowledge about any kind of allergic reactions that may occur by using a certain treatment. Once you gather the relevant knowledge, just select the appropriate treatment.

Start the treatment: Based on the vet’s suggestion, you can choose one of the various products available in the pet care supplies market. Be it, tick shampoos, dog tick collar, topical treatments or oral medication, just go for the best brand. It is important to stress upon brand as high quality product guarantees good results at a faster rate and without any side effects.

Manual tick removal: Along with using tick-killing products, you must develop a habit of daily tick check. For this, move your fingers across the pet’s body or use a comb. You may also choose any of the tick removal devices available in the market. It is easy to spot ticks on pets with a thin coat. For pets with longer fur, using comb is the easiest solution.

Pull out the entire tick without leaving any portion of its body into the pet’s coat. Drop it in a bowl of rubbing alcohol for a perfect murder. Wear gloves during this entire process of dog tick removal to save yourself from contracting any disease that spreads through ticks.

Year round protection: As a pet parent, you should be alert throughout the year. Your outgoing pet may catch up ticks during winters also. After every outing, you must perform a complete tick check as a mandatory part of your pet care routine. Shun all the myths about those tricky ticks that hitchhike on your pet. Be alert all year round in order to give disease free life to your pet.

The gist is that just by an extra dose of care and caution you can keep ticks away from your pet. You can save him from several unwanted diseases. So, this summer, take a vow to keep dog ticks at bay and make your furry friend disease free!

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